If I can lift it

So I figured out that if I can lift the suitcase, it’s the proper weight, I almost completely max out at lifting more than about 50 pounds… The things you learn when moving your family across the world. I’ve also discovered that my clothes mean a lot more to mean than I expected and that packing a large bottle of French’s mustard isn’t as easy as I was thinking. Ahhh, the joys of travel… Everything is a “mind opening experience” and I just think my mind is so open right now bugs might start flying in.

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Currently Seeking Employment in Copenhagen

As moving hour quickly approaches the Hudson House, I began the process of putting my wedding photography and events studio into the hands of my (now former) employees that have decided to continue in my footsteps today; and have started the somewhat daunting task of seeking a new employment path in Copenhagen.

My heart is almost leaping out of my chest just thinking about all the exciting opportunities that lie before me. It's a little scary, as most huge moves are, but I'm very confident that my skills are very much needed in Denmark. I'm hopeful that my unique and bright qualities mixed with my creative abilities will get me the job I really am excited to go to everyday. So if there's anyone out there in Copenhagen reading this that has an opening for a bright, ambitious and creative team-player from Southern California; Hire me!